Hanna Kael

Are you ready to try something a little different? Have you been struggling with feeling stuck in your life, and not knowing how to move forward towards your goals and dreams? Do you feel emotional blocks that may result in depression that you can’t seem to release? Or do you simply need relief from anxiety, or assistance to help you relax and ground yourself?

Hi, I’m Hanna. I’m an intuitive energy healer. I work with women who want to take back the reins of their life, and become empowered, powerful, independent women, who can manifest the life they dream of.
Intuitive healing works towards helping individuals connect with their own inner guidance and higher self, so that they can access their own healing power. Sometimes we may just need a little jump start to remind us of our deepest inner strengths and knowing.

During a session you will experience PEMF mat therapy, which oxygenates the body and cells, and may assist you in stabilising your mood, and maintaining optimal health and well-being.

Hanna, I can’t thank you enough for your help today. I understand that I’m capable of helping myself now. If I hadn’t come in to see you today, I would have continued to slowly and excruciatingly torture myself. Life has been a massive struggle for me lately. And I no longer feel like I’m struggling to stay afloat. Thank you so so so much!!

– Fran

Also included is an essential oils/intuitive healing session. Essential oils have been used in Egypt, India, and Persia for almost 6000 years. Ancient civilisations knew the healing properties of these oils, and how they could be hugely beneficial in releasing emotional blockages, improving a person’s mood and overall well-being.
We may also look into thought patterns and beliefs that may be hindering you from achieving our best life, and what steps you could take to turn these cycles around.

My first session with Hanna was the most powerful healing experience of my life. I was dealing with anger and frustration that despite my best efforts I had been unable to settle within myself. Within minutes the anger began draining away. I felt powerful energy surging through my body during the session, and by the end of it, had made a big rearrangement in my inner landscape.

The anger I had been holding concerning my Mother was gone. I didn’t think that was even possible!
That night my Mother happened to be visiting in Canberra. As I sat next to her, I felt a huge energetic exchange between us both, it was completely spontaneous and without my conscious initiation. I wanted to cry uncontrollably as I recognized what was happening.The feeling of reconnection with her was incredible. I had befriended my Mother.

– Chris

I can’t explain what you did during my session, but something has shifted dramatically. The work you did with my throat was powerful. It literally felt as though I was giving birth during the session.
A few days after the session, I noticed a heightened sense of confidence. I’ve struggled with speaking up in public situations my whole life. But yesterday during a work meeting, I couldn’t help but speak when normally I would have remained quiet. I now this was a direct result of our session.
I can’t thank you enough.

– Jess