Asmaniah Fraval

As the mother of 6 beautiful children and a grandmother to 10 gorgeous little people (and counting!) I have a caring and nurturing nature which I bring to my role as Clinic Manager of World of Wellbeing. Having been part of the admin team since its inception in 2013, I took on the Manager role in January 2019.

I believe that in a place of healing, the way the staff and clinicians work together and care for one another is crucial in creating a welcoming and caring environment that can then support clients in their journey towards better health. This is an underlying philosophy at World of Wellbeing.

The range of modalities available in World of Wellbeing is unique and offers clients a combination of new, scientifically proven and older, traditional ways of addressing health situations, guided by practitioners who have chosen to work in World of Wellbeing.

We look forward to welcoming you to the World of Wellbeing.